I was originally trained as a physiological psychologist. I also have extensive expertise and experience in biosignal analyses, as well as in quantitative physiological and behavioral studies in both humans and animals. I have worked in this field since 1985, and I designed and carried out many of the first BCI studies. I have been involved in all aspects of this research, including study design and system programming, data collection from human subjects, analysis of results, and preparation of manuscripts.
At the same time, I have contributed to the local, national, and international scientific communities by serving on many committees and as an associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering as well as the Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research. I was a member of the "International Assessment of Research and Development in Brain-Computer Interfaces," (WTEC), which conducted a detailed evaluation of BCI research worldwide. I am also an author of the chapters on biosignal analysis in the first comprehensive BCI textbook, recently published by Oxford University Press.