Technology Overview

The National Center for Adaptive Neurotechologies is developing cutting-edge technology systems that continue to revolutionize the way we study the brain.

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The National Center for Adaptive Neurotechologies (NCAN) has pioneered technical advances in available hardware and software that can support complex interactions with the nervous system. It is through these tools that we are coming to better understand brain and CNS function. Building upon these advances, NCAN has developed a core of physiological, behavioral, anatomical, and clinical methods for interacting with the CNS and applied those methods in patient-based studies and clinical trials. NCAN actively maintains a mature software platform for real-time biosignal acquisition, analysis, and feedback. This platform has become standard technology for brain-computer interfacing and related neurotechnological research and development worldwide. NCAN provides the BCI2000 Platform at no cost to research and clinical groups throughout the world.

What is BCI2000?

BCI2000 is a general-purpose system for basic and clinical neurophysiological research. It can also be used for data acquisition, stimulus presentation, and brain monitoring applications. BCI2000 is the basis for a variety of software packages designed to support specific categories of real-time interactions with the CNS in humans and in animals (see “Software” and “Videos”).


The mission of the BCI2000 project is to facilitate research and applications in the areas described above.


Our vision is that BCI2000 will become a widely used software tool for diverse areas of real-time biosignal processing.


We are proudly an open source organization! You can sign up and gain access to our source code, as detailed on our Wiki. We are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). The BCI2000 system is available for free for non-profit research and educational purposes. We have provided it to over 11,000 users around the world. We also have an online forum for the BCI2000 community where we provide support to registered users. 

BCI2000 development has been supported by an NIH (NIBIB) R01 grant and an NIH (NIBIB/NINDS) Bioengineering Research Partnership grant, and it is currently supported by an NIH (NINDS) R01 grant and an NIH (NINDS) U24 grant. It is the core technology of our Center.

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