H-reflex down-conditioning greatly increases the number of identifiable GABAergic interneurons in rat ventral horn.

TitleH-reflex down-conditioning greatly increases the number of identifiable GABAergic interneurons in rat ventral horn.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsWang, Y, Pillai, S, Wolpaw, J, Chen, XY
JournalNeuroscience letters
Date Published03/2009
Keywordsactivity-dependent plasticity, GABAergic interneurons, H-reflex conditioning, learning and memory, Motor control, Spinal Cord

H-reflex down-conditioning increases GABAergic terminals on spinal cord motoneurons. To explore the origins of these terminals, we studied the numbers and distributions of spinal cord GABAergic interneurons. The number of identifiable GABAergic interneurons in the ventral horn was 78% greater in rats in which down-conditioning was successful than in naive rats or rats in which down-conditioning failed. No increase occurred in other spinal lamina or on the contralateral side. This finding supports the hypothesis that the corticospinal tract influence that induces the motoneuron plasticity underlying down-conditioning reaches the motoneuron through GABAergic interneurons in the ventral horn.


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