Memory traces in spinal cord produced by H-reflex conditioning: effects of post-tetanic potentiation.

TitleMemory traces in spinal cord produced by H-reflex conditioning: effects of post-tetanic potentiation.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsWolpaw, J, Carp, JS, Lee, CL
JournalNeuroscience letters
Date Published08/1989
Keywordsconditioning, Learning, Memory, motoneuron, potentiation, primate, spinal reflex

Operant conditioning of the wholly spinal, largely monosynaptic triceps surae H-reflex in monkeys causes changes in lumbosacral spinal cord that persist after removal of supraspinal influence. We evaluated the interaction between post-tetanic potentiation and these memory traces. Animals in which the triceps surae H-reflex in one leg had been increased or decreased by conditioning were deeply anesthetized, and monosynaptic reflexes to L6-S1 dorsal root stimulation were recorded before and after tetanization from both legs for 3 days after thoracic cord transection. Animals remained anesthetized throughout and were sacrificed by overdose. Reflex asymmetries consistent with the effect of H-reflex conditioning were present after transection and persisted through the 3 days of study. Tetanization affected conditioned leg and control leg reflexes similarly. This finding suggests that, while post-tetanic potentiation and probably H-reflex conditioning alter Ia synaptic transmission, the two phenomena have different mechanisms.


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