Overlap and refractory effects in a brain-computer interface speller based on the visual P300 event-related potential.

TitleOverlap and refractory effects in a brain-computer interface speller based on the visual P300 event-related potential.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsMartens, SMM, Jeremy Jeremy Hill, Farquhar, J, Schölkopf, B
JournalJ Neural Eng
Date Published04/2009
KeywordsAlgorithms, Brain, Cognition, Computer Simulation, Electroencephalography, Event-Related Potentials, P300, Humans, Models, Neurological, Pattern Recognition, Automated, Photic Stimulation, Semantics, Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted, Task Performance and Analysis, User-Computer Interface, Writing

We reveal the presence of refractory and overlap effects in the event-related potentials in visual P300 speller datasets, and we show their negative impact on the performance of the system. This finding has important implications for how to encode the letters that can be selected for communication. However, we show that such effects are dependent on stimulus parameters: an alternative stimulus type based on apparent motion suffers less from the refractory effects and leads to an improved letter prediction performance.

Alternate JournalJ Neural Eng
PubMed ID19255462

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