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Schalk G, Leuthardt EC, Brunner P, Ojemann JG, Gerhardt LA, Wolpaw J. Real-time detection of event-related brain activity. Neuroimage [Internet]. 2008;43(2):245-9. icon Real-time detection of event-related brain activity.pdf (0 bytes)
Miller JW, Blakely T, Schalk G, den Nijs M, Rao RPN, Ojemann JG. Three cases of feature correlation in an electrocorticographic BCI. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2008. pp. 5318-21. PDF icon Three Cases of Feature Correlation in an Electrocorticographic BCI.pdf (0 bytes)
Miller KJ, Blakely T, Schalk G, den Nijs M, Rao RPN, Ojemann JG. Three cases of feature correlation in an electrocorticographic BCI. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008. [Internet]. Vancouver, BC: IEEE; 2008. icon Three Cases of Feature Correlation in an Electrocorticographic BCI_0.pdf (923.35 KB)
Allison BZ, McFarland DJ, Schalk G, Zheng SD, Moore-Jackson M, Wolpaw J. Towards an independent brain-computer interface using steady state visual evoked potentials. Clin Neurophysiol [Internet]. 2008;119(2):399-408. icon Towards an independen brain-computer interface using steady state visual evoked potentials.pdf (0 bytes)
Schalk G, Miller KJ, Anderson NR, Wilson AJ, Smyth M, Ojemann JG, et al.. Two-dimensional movement control using electrocorticographic signals in humans. J Neural Eng [Internet]. 2008;5(1):75-84. icon Two-Dimensional Movement Control Using Electrocorticographic Signals in Humans.pdf (0 bytes)
Wisneski K, Anderson NR, Schalk G, Smyth M, Moran D, Leuthardt EC. Unique cortical physiology associated with ipsilateral hand movements and neuroprosthetic implications. Stroke [Internet]. 2008;39(12):3351-9. icon Unique Cortical Physiology Associated With Ipsilateral Hand Movements and Neuroprosthetic Implications.pdf (0 bytes)
Schalk G, Kubánek J, Miller JW, Anderson NR, Leuthardt EC, Ojemann JG, et al.. Decoding two-dimensional movement trajectories using electrocorticographic signals in humans. J Neural Eng [Internet]. 2007;4(3):264-75. icon Decoding two-dimensional movement trajectories using electrocorticographic signals in humans.pdf (0 bytes)
Leuthardt EC, Miller JW, Anderson NR, Schalk G, Dowling J, Miller JW, et al.. Electrocorticographic Frequency Alteration Mapping: A Clinical Technique for Mapping the Motor Cortex. Neurosurgery [Internet]. 2007;60(4 Suppl 2):260-70; discussion 270-1. icon Electrocorticographic Frequency Alteration Mapping A Clinical Technique for Mapping the Motor Cortex.pdf (0 bytes)
Mellinger J, Schalk G, Braun C, Preissl H, Rosenstiel W, Birbaumer N, et al.. An MEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI). Neuroimage [Internet]. 2007;36(3):581-93. icon An MEG-based brain-computer interface (BCI).pdf (0 bytes)
Cincotti F, Aloise F, Bufalari S, Schalk G, Oriolo G, Cherubini A, et al.. Non-invasive brain-computer interface system to operate assistive devices. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007. pp. 2532-5.
Miller JW, Leuthardt EC, Schalk G, Rao RPN, Anderson NR, Moran D, et al.. Spectral Changes in Cortical Surface Potentials During Motor Movement. J Neurosci [Internet]. 2007;27(9):2424-32. icon Spectral Changes in Cortical Surface Potentials during Motor Movement.pdf (0 bytes)
Krusienski DJ, Schalk G, McFarland DJ, Wolpaw J. A µ-rhythm Matched Filter for Continuous Control of a Brain-Computer Interface. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng [Internet]. 2007;54(2):273-80. icon A mu-Rhythm Matched Filter for Continuous Control of a Brain-Computer Interface.pdf (0 bytes)
Blankertz B, Müller K-R, Krusienski DJ, Schalk G, Wolpaw J, Schlögl A, et al.. The BCI competition III: Validating alternative approaches to actual BCI problems. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng [Internet]. 2006;14(2):153-9. icon The BCI Competition III - Validating Alternative Approaches to Actual BCI Problems.pdf (0 bytes)
Cincotti F, Bianchi L, Birch G, Guger C, Mellinger J, Scherer R, et al.. BCI meeting 2005 - Workshop on Technology: Hardware and Software. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng [Internet]. 2006;14(2):128-31. icon BCI Meeting 2005 - Working on Technology - Hardware and Software.pdf (0 bytes)
Wilson AJ, Felton EA, Garell CP, Schalk G, Williams JC. ECoG factors underlying multimodal control of a brain-computer interface. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng [Internet]. 2006;14(2):246-50. icon wilson2006.pdf (912.69 KB)
Leuthardt EC, Miller JW, Schalk G, Rao RPN, Ojemann JG. Electrocorticography-based brain computer interface--the Seattle experience. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng [Internet]. 2006;14(2):194-8. icon Electrocorticography-Based Brain Computer Interface - The Seattle Experience.pdf (0 bytes)
Leuthardt EC, Schalk G, Moran D, Ojemann JG. The emerging world of motor neuroprosthetics: a neurosurgical perspective. Neurosurgery [Internet]. 2006;59(1):1-14; discussion 1-14. icon The Emerging World of Motor Neuroprosthetics - A Neurosurgical Perspective.pdf (0 bytes)
Vaughan TM, McFarland DJ, Schalk G, Sarnacki WA, Krusienski DJ, Sellers EW, et al.. The Wadsworth BCI Research and Development Program: At Home with BCI. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng [Internet]. 2006;14(2):229-33. icon The Wadsworth BCI research and development program at home with BCI.pdf (300.71 KB)


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