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Schalk G. Brain-Computer Interfaces and BCI2000. 2002.
Wolpaw J, Birbaumer N, McFarland DJ, Pfurtscheller G, Vaughan TM. Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control. Clin Neurophysiol [Internet]. 2002;113(6):767-91. icon Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control.pdf (519.69 KB)
Schalk G. Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication and Control. 2002.
Chen XY, Carp JS, Chen L, Wolpaw J. Corticospinal tract transection prevents operantly conditioned H-reflex increase in rats. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale [Internet]. 2002;144:88–94. icon Corticospinal tract transection prevents operantly conditioned H-reflex increase in rats.pdf (74.89 KB)
Chen XY, Chen L, Wolpaw J, Jakeman LB. Corticospinal tract transection reduces H-reflex circadian rhythm in rats. Brain research [Internet]. 2002;942:101–108. icon Corticospinal tract transection reduces H-reflex circadian rhythm in rats.pdf (137.6 KB)
Hori N, Carp JS, Carpenter DO, Akaike N. Corticospinal transmission to motoneurons in cervical spinal cord slices from adult rats. Life sciences [Internet]. 2002;72:389–396. icon Corticospinal transmission to motoneurons in cervical spinal cord slices from adult rats.pdf (244.22 KB)
McFarland DJ, Cacace AT. Factor analysis in CAPD and the "unimodal" test battery: do we have a model that will satisfy? American journal of audiology [Internet]. 2002;11:7–9; author reply 9-12. icon McFarland2002.pdf (40.04 KB)
Schalk G. General-Purpose Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) System. 2002.
Wolpaw J. Memory in neuroscience: rhetoric versus reality. Behavioral and cognitive neuroscience reviews [Internet]. 2002;1:130–163. icon wolpaw2002.pdf (291.69 KB)
Chen XY, Wolpaw J. Probable corticospinal tract control of spinal cord plasticity in the rat. Journal of neurophysiology [Internet]. 2002;87:645–652. icon Probable corticospinal tract control of spinal cord plasticity in the rat.pdf (194.6 KB)
Baxter B, Leith AD, Frank J. A scripting language approach to control software for cryo-electron microscopy. Proc IEEE Int. Symp. Biomed. Imag. [Internet]. 2002;. icon baxter2002.pdf (275.08 KB)
Schalk G, Carp JS, Wolpaw J. Temporal transformation of multiunit activity improves identification of single motor units. J Neurosci Methods [Internet]. 2002;114(1):87-98. icon Temporal transformation of multiunit activity improves identification of single motor units.pdf (0 bytes)
Wolpaw J, Tennissen AM. Activity-dependent spinal cord plasticity in health and disease. Annual review of neuroscience [Internet]. 2001;24:807–843. icon Activity-dependent spinal cord plasticity in health and disease.pdf (458.25 KB)
Kübler A, Kotchoubey B, Kaiser J, Wolpaw J, Birbaumer N. Brain-computer communication: unlocking the locked in. Psychological bulletin [Internet]. 2001;127:358–375. icon kbler2001.pdf (2.39 MB)
Schalk G. Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication and Control. 2001.
Carp JS, Chen XY, Sheikh H, Wolpaw J. Effects of chronic nerve cuff and intramuscular electrodes on rat triceps surae motor units. Neuroscience letters [Internet]. 2001;312:1–4. icon Effects of chronic nerve cuff and intramuscular electrodes on rat triceps surae motor units.pdf (107.61 KB)
Schalk G, Carp J. Improved Motor Unit Detection Using the Hough Transform. 2001.
Carp JS, Chen XY, Sheikh H, Wolpaw J. Motor unit properties after operant conditioning of rat H-reflex. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale [Internet]. 2001;140:382–386. icon Motor unit properties after operant conditioning of rat H-reflex.pdf (47.79 KB)
Carp JS, Chen XY, Sheikh H, Wolpaw J. Operant conditioning of rat H-reflex affects motoneuron axonal conduction velocity. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale [Internet]. 2001;136:269–273. icon Operant conditioning of rat H-reflex affects motoneuron axonal conduction velocity.pdf (33.85 KB)
Wolpaw J, Chen XY. Operant conditioning of rat H-reflex: effects on mean latency and duration. Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale [Internet]. 2001;136:274–279. icon Operant conditioning of rat H-reflex effects on mean latency and duration.pdf (41.94 KB)
Chen XY, Feng-Chen KC, Chen L, Stark DM, Wolpaw J. Short-Term and medium-term effects of spinal cord tract transections on soleus H-reflex in freely moving rats. Journal of neurotrauma [Internet]. 2001;18:313–327. icon Short-Term and medium-term effects of spinal cord tract transections on soleus H-reflex in freely moving rats.pdf (392.44 KB)


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