Press Articles

Our work has been prominently featured in many prominent local, national, and international media outlets. We feel honored that this gives us a chance to share our enthusiasm for neuroscience and neurotechnologies not only with scientists but also with the general public.

Groundbreaking research helps restore movement in severely injured patients
Thursday, April 6, 2023
For four decades, a group of neurologists now lead by Jonathan Wolpaw have entered the research lab at the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center with one goal in mind: Understanding how the nervous system changes with disease and injuries so when something goes wrong, doctors would have a tool to fix it.
A Startup Has Put Electrodes in a Patient’s Skull to Treat Depression
Friday, September 23, 2022
Inner Cosmos, co-founded NCAN Investigator Dr. Eric Leuthardt, MD, is one of a growing number of companies working on medical devices that use implanted electrodes to interact with the human brain.
Accelerating recovery from stroke and spinal cord injuries - research yields new rehabilitation option
Saturday, December 2, 2017
“Ground-breaking research could change the lives of millions.” You have read the headlines, but what happens when the spotlight dims, and the researcher goes back to the lab? How often do you see the resulting groundbreaking treatment or product in your hometown clinic or used by your loved ones? You may not know about the difficult challenges that must be overcome to bring these therapies to the people who need them.
New study finds we're hard-wired to see faces — even when they're not there
Friday, November 24, 2017
A new study found a part of our brain is wired to see human faces in things without faces. The results prove that this section of the brain’s fusiform gyrus is alone responsible for recognizing human faces.
NCAN Scientist Wins Prize at ACRM LaunchPad Competition
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Spinal Reflex Conditioning Wins the “Most Innovative” Award at the ACRM LaunchPad Competition
Albany rehab center will use futuristic tech to treat stroke, disorders of consciousness
Monday, September 25, 2017
A new center at the University at Albany’s Health Sciences campus will use brain-computer interface technology to help patients who have lost verbal skills communicate with nothing but their thoughts.
Researchers Provide the First Evidence That a New Kind of Paralysis Treatment Is Effective
Monday, June 26, 2017
A new study has revealed the potential for cortical targets to improve motor function in those struggling with paralysis. Cortical targets are relatively unexplored territory for treatment, so building off this research could lead to even more exciting discoveries.
Researchers show first evidence of using cortical targets to improve motor function
Thursday, June 22, 2017
University of Miami's Miami Project researchers provide the first evidence that cortical targets could represent a novel therapeutic site for improving motor function following spinal cord Injury
Elon Musk building brain-computer interface to protect against AI singularity
Sunday, May 28, 2017
Neuralink will build a brain computer interface (BCI) or "neural lace" that will eventually "upload thoughts" to the internet but, along the way, deftly heal those with epilepsy, Parkinson's and depression, and restore function to people with stroke and brain injury for good measure.

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