CortiQ - clinical software for electrocorticographic real-time functional mapping of the eloquent cortex.

TitleCortiQ - clinical software for electrocorticographic real-time functional mapping of the eloquent cortex.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsPrueckl, R, Kapeller, C, Potes, C, Korostenskaja, M, Schalk, G, Lee, KH, Guger, C
JournalConf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
Date Published07/2013

Planning for epilepsy surgery depends substantially on the localization of brain cortical areas responsible for sensory, motor, or cognitive functions, clinically also known as eloquent cortex. In this paper, we present the novel software package 'cortiQ' that allows clinicians to localize eloquent cortex, thus providing a safe margin for surgical resection with a low incidence of neurological deficits. This software can be easily used in addition to traditional mapping procedures such as the electrical cortical stimulation (ECS) mapping. The software analyses task-related changes in gamma activity recorded from implanted subdural electrocorticography electrodes using extensions to previously published methods. In this manuscript, we describe the system's architecture and workflow required to obtain a map of the eloquent cortex. We validate the system by comparing our mapping results with those acquired using ECS mapping in two subjects. Our results indicate that cortiQ reliably identifies eloquent cortex much faster (several minutes compared to an hour or more) than ECS mapping. Next-neighbour analyses show that there are no false positives and an average of 1.24% false negatives.

Alternate JournalConf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc
PubMed ID24111197

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