Research Scientist
(See CV for a more up-to-date publication list)
Cortical alpha activity predicts the confidence in an impending action.. Cortical alpha activity predicts the confidence in an impending action. Front. Neurosci. 2015. Available at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnins.2015.00243/abstract.
Cortical alpha activity predicts the confidence in an impending action.pdf (1.14 MB)
Simultaneous Real-Time Monitoring of Multiple Cortical Systems.. Simultaneous Real-Time Monitoring of Multiple Cortical Systems. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2014. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25080161.
Simultaneous Real-Time Monitoring of Multiple Cortical Systems.pdf (3.77 MB)
Localizing ECoG electrodes on the cortical anatomy without post-implantation imaging.. Localizing ECoG electrodes on the cortical anatomy without post-implantation imaging. Neuroimage Clin. 2014;6:64-76. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25379417.
Localizing ECoG electrodes on the cortical anatomy without post-implantation imaging.pdf (3.01 MB)
A practical, intuitive brain-computer interface for communicating 'yes' or 'no' by listening.A practical, intuitive brain-computer interface for communicating 'yes' or 'no' by listening. J Neural Eng. 2014;11(3):035003. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24838278.
A practical, intuitive brain-computer interface for communicating 'yes' or 'no' by listening.pdf (807.65 KB)
A general method for assessing brain–computer interface performance and its limitations.. A general method for assessing brain–computer interface performance and its limitations. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2014;11(026018). Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24658406.
A general method for assessing brain–computer interface performance and its limitations.pdf (581.08 KB)
Interactions Between Pre-Processing and Classification Methods for Event-Related-Potential Classification : Best-Practice Guidelines for Brain-Computer Interfacing.. Interactions Between Pre-Processing and Classification Methods for Event-Related-Potential Classification : Best-Practice Guidelines for Brain-Computer Interfacing. Neuroinformatics. 2013. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23250668.
Interactions between pre-processing and classification methods for event-related-potential classification best-practice guidelines for brain-computer interfacing.pdf (391.32 KB)
Communication and control by listening: towards optimal design of a two-class auditory streaming brain-computer interface.. Communication and control by listening: towards optimal design of a two-class auditory streaming brain-computer interface. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2012;6. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23267312.
Communication and control by listening: towards optimal design of a two-class auditory streaming brain-computer interface.pdf (0 bytes)
Recording Human Electrocorticographic (ECoG) Signals for Neuroscientific Research and Real-time Functional Cortical Mapping.Recording Human Electrocorticographic (ECoG) Signals for Neuroscientific Research and Real-time Functional Cortical Mapping. J Vis Exp. 2012;(64). Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22782131.
Recording human electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals for neuroscientific research and real-time functional cortical mapping.pdf (328.28 KB)
An online brain-computer interface based on shifting attention to concurrent streams of auditory stimuli.. An online brain-computer interface based on shifting attention to concurrent streams of auditory stimuli. J Neural Eng. 2012;9(2):026011. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22333135.
An online brain-computer interface based on shifting attention to concurrent streams of auditory stimuli.pdf (1.26 MB)
Silent Communication: toward using brain signals.. Silent Communication: toward using brain signals. IEEE Pulse. 2012;3(1):43-6. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22344951.
Silent communication toward using brain signals.pdf (1.59 MB)
Transition from the locked in to the completely locked-in state: a physiological analysis.Transition from the locked in to the completely locked-in state: a physiological analysis. Clin Neurophysiol. 2011;122(5):925-33. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20888292.
Transition from the locked in to the completely locked-in state a physiological analysis.pdf (1.46 MB)
Closing the sensorimotor loop: haptic feedback facilitates decoding of motor imagery.. Closing the sensorimotor loop: haptic feedback facilitates decoding of motor imagery. J Neural Eng. 2011;8(3):036005. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21474878.
Closing the sensorimotor loop haptic feedback facilitates decoding of motor imagery.pdf (1.81 MB)
Causal influence of gamma oscillations on the sensorimotor rhythm.. Causal influence of gamma oscillations on the sensorimotor rhythm. Neuroimage. 2011;56(2):837-42. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20451626.
Causal influence of gamma oscillations on the sensorimotor rhythm.pdf (949.65 KB)
A graphical model framework for decoding in the visual ERP-based BCI speller.. A graphical model framework for decoding in the visual ERP-based BCI speller. Neural Comput. 2011;23(1):160-82. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20964540.
A graphical model framework for decoding in the visual ERP-based BCI speller.pdf (443.32 KB)
A note on ethical aspects of BCI.. A note on ethical aspects of BCI. Neural Netw. 2009;22(9):1352-7. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19616405.
A note on ethical aspects of BCI.pdf (1.02 MB)
Overlap and refractory effects in a brain-computer interface speller based on the visual P300 event-related potential.. Overlap and refractory effects in a brain-computer interface speller based on the visual P300 event-related potential. J Neural Eng. 2009;6(2):026003. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19255462.
Overlap and refractory effects in a brain-computer interface speller based on the visual P300 event-related potential.pdf (469.83 KB)
Voluntary brain regulation and communication with electrocorticogram signals.Voluntary brain regulation and communication with electrocorticogram signals. Epilepsy Behav. 2008;13(2):300-6. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18495541.
Voluntary brain regulation and communication with electrocorticogram signals.pdf (1.45 MB)
Brain Computer Interfaces for Communication in Paralysis: a Clinical-Experimental Approach.Brain Computer Interfaces for Communication in Paralysis: a Clinical-Experimental Approach. In: Virtual Library of Psychology at Saarland University and State Library, GERMANY, PsyDok [http://psydok.sulb.uni-saarland.de/phpoai/oai2.php] (Germany); 2007. Available at: http://psydok.sulb.uni-saarland.de/volltexte/2008/2154/.
Brain computer interfaces for communication in paralysis a clinical-experimental approach.pdf (765.58 KB)
Optimizing Spatial Filters for BCI: Margin- and Evidence-Maximization Approaches.. Optimizing Spatial Filters for BCI: Margin- and Evidence-Maximization Approaches. 2006. Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/237615110_Optimizing_Spatial_Filters_for_BCI.
Optimizing spatial filters for BCI margin- and evidence-maximization approaches.pdf (97.22 KB)
Time-Dependent Demixing of Task-Relevant EEG Signals.. Time-Dependent Demixing of Task-Relevant EEG Signals. 2006. Available at: http://edoc.mpg.de/312053.
Time-dependent demixing of task-relevant EEG signals.pdf (99.81 KB)
Classifying EEG and ECoG signals without subject training for fast BCI implementation: comparison of nonparalyzed and completely paralyzed subjects.Classifying EEG and ECoG signals without subject training for fast BCI implementation: comparison of nonparalyzed and completely paralyzed subjects. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. 2006;14(2):183-6. Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16792289.
Classifying EEG and ECoG signals without subject training for fast BCI implementation comparison of nonparalyzed and completely paralyzed subjects.pdf (56.97 KB)
Regularised CSP for Sensor Selection in BCI.. Regularised CSP for Sensor Selection in BCI. 2006. Available at: http://edoc.mpg.de/312060.
Regularised CSP for sensor selection in BCI.pdf (104.33 KB)
Classifying Event-Related Desynchronization in EEG, ECoG and MEG Signals.Classifying Event-Related Desynchronization in EEG, ECoG and MEG Signals. In: Pattern Recognition.Vol 4174. Pattern Recognition. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2006:404-413. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11861898_41.
Classifying event-related desynchronization in EEG, ECoG and MEG signals.pdf (1.02 MB)
Methods Towards Invasive Human Brain Computer Interfaces.Methods Towards Invasive Human Brain Computer Interfaces. 2005. Available at: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
Methods towards invasive human brain computer interfaces.pdf (218.65 KB)
A Brain Computer Interface with Online Feedback based on Magnetoencephalography.A Brain Computer Interface with Online Feedback based on Magnetoencephalography. 2005. Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/221346004_A_brain_computer_interface_with_online_feedback_based_on_magnetoencephalography.
A brain computer interface with online feedback based on magnetoencephalography.pdf (753.93 KB)
Robust EEG Channel Selection across Subjects for Brain-Computer Interfaces.Robust EEG Channel Selection across Subjects for Brain-Computer Interfaces. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing. 2005;2005:3103–3112. Available at: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/26532072_Robust_EEG_Channel_Selection_across_Subjects_for_Brain-Computer_Interfaces.
Robust EEG channel selection across subjects for brain-computer interfaces.pdf (1.81 MB)